Monday, December 6, 2010

Someone saying that my eyes are bigger than my mouth, I just laugh it off. (9 to 10 m) 大眼看世界,大嘴笑浮生

I know I am good looking and I have a good attitude to match that too!

Roman always keeps his eyes open. Well, he sees and he acts. A very good learner, he loves to follow mom and dad around and will do any thing we do, even cleaning toilets! He is still a pretty charming boy (after cleaning the toilets) and has been kissed by numerous girls who don't know much about his secret profession before the age of 1. Talking about his profession, he managed to break several computers and actually fixed one (the mouse pad of mom's netbook) with his consistent punches. Keep growing and hope that some day you will create more and break less.

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