Monday, January 11, 2010

Baroque induced baby Roman Ruo(若) Hu just landed!

Baby boy Roman Ruo (若) Hu was born on January, 6, 2010: a healthy baby of 8 lb and 20,5 inch. Both mom and baby are doing great now. Roman really loves music. Whenever his mom was playing piano during the pregnancy, he loved to kick inside. When he was over due by more than a week and Ning had no sign of laboring, Ning went to studio to show me the variety of inner pulse of Baroque music. She played Bach, Roman kicked, she played Handel, Roman kicked again. The tiny kicks just turned into a very strong inner pulse in every 5 minutes. We realized that this is the contraction, hurried to hospital and four hours later the baby was born very smoothly.
The first day after birth: Roman was pondering about what career to choose.

Four days after his birth, Roman is ready to fight world hunger now, one at a time – his own first! :)

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