Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The dwarf and snow white! 小矮人和白雪

May your heart always be as pure as the snow!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Play and learn 若若的舞台

Accident happens! Or by design!

We have been working on the railroad!

Santa Gordon is coming to town!

Sidekick who really kicks high and low.

There is something magic about my finger!

Roman is the star and the director of our Gordon train shows, sister the sidekick. When daddy first saw the little Thomas train, he could never had imaged that there would be over 200 trains running in his house. Neither does daddy has much control of Roman watching too much youtube in so many languages. Well, life is not something we could plan well and daddy only wishes your passion can grow bigger and broader (not just to McQueen and Chuck, more, way more).